About us
company profile
The company Ecological Consulting a. s. is an independent expert consultancy enterprise operating in the field of environmental protection and engineering, and services of railway independent safety assessment (ISA).
the story of our company
Our company was established in June 2006 by the transformation of the company Ecological Consulting, s. r. o., which as such was the direct successor of the company Jaroslav Bosák – Ecological Consulting, which had been operating in the field of environmental protection and engineering since the summer of 1996.
Our staff are members of representative expert associations:
- Czech Botanical Society
- Czech Entomological Society
- Czech Society for Ornithology
The company co-operates with the Faculty of Science of the Palacký University Olomouc, so is active in the field of science and research as well.
Legal name: Ecological Consulting a.s
Seat: Olomouc, Legionářská 1085/8, PSČ 779 00, Czech Republic
Legal form: akciová společnost (equivalent of a joint-stock company)
Record number: The company was entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Enclosure 3026, at January, 30, 2001.
Reg. No: 258 73 962, VATIN: CZ25873962
Bank contact: Komerční banka, a.s., Account number: 107-915370237/0100
Extract from the commercial register on www.justice.cz
Ethical code express basic values and conviction which the company Ecological Consulting, a. s. follows in its activities. The purpose of the company code is to ensure the coherence of the company operations with generally accepted ethic principles, legislation of the Czech Republic, and of the countries, in which we entrepreneurially operate or are going to operate, and with our internal codes. The purpose of ethical code no less important is the endeavour to prevent any conduct which should results in our company being afoul of the law.
We are the company, the goal of which is to provide our customers the highest service standard possible, what we can demonstrate by the following certificates:
- ISO 9001 Certification in Quality Management
- ISO 14001 Certification in Environmental Management
E-mail clause
Správa železniční a dopravní cesty, s.o.
Olomoucký kraj
NET4GAS, s.r.o.
Správa silnic Olomouckého kraje, p.o.
SUDOP BRNO, spol. s r.o.
We are looking for new colleagues:
Specialista – měření hluku a vibrací, zpracování hlukových studií
Provozně administrativní pracovník
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